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Winter brings with it colder temperatures, shorter days, and the possibility of snow and ice and sometimes, slip and falls. Many cases that occur during the winter season involving slips and falls due to poor property maintenance involve businesses that do not want any of its clients or visitors to their office to be injured and they certainly don’t want to risk being sued! Do not be lax in shoveling the walk or leaving puddles unattended on the floor and hire a professional certified snow professional company who is an expert snow removal provider.


A natural accumulation of snow is expected during a snowstorm, but how much is reasonable? This will vary depending on the region of the country you live in, the amount of snow that falls on average, and the amount of snow predicted for a particular storm. Northern states would expect the reasonable amount to be much higher due to their prevalence of snow, as opposed to the reasonable amount in a southern state where snow is less common, or unusual.


If an individual slips and falls on a business’s property, that individual may sue for compensation based on the injuries they have suffered. Injuries can be proven by a statement from a medical professional, and in some cases it is wise to bring in an expert witness for an unbiased, qualified opinion to comment on the circumstances and details around the weather event, property and service.


Slip and fall accidents can be minimized for the most part with diligent property maintenance that entails clearing snow and ice from parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, and stairs, and keeping floors inside offices clean and dry, as well as posting WET FLOOR signs as an additional precaution.

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