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Snow Industry Business Consultant

The 2018-2019 winter is over and it’s time to reflect on the year and see how we did. From small one-truck freelancers who plow driveways and church parking lots to large snow plow operations who tackle shopping malls and football stadium parking lots, we all need to look at the prior year and celebrate our success, learn lessons from our mistakes.

Was our equipment ready for the challenge? Did our staff perform as they were trained to? Was their training adequate? Did we take on more work than we could handle? Or do we need to go out and get more accounts for next winter?

These are all things we need to not only kick around in our heads for a while, we need to accumulate data on the snow season as a whole and then analyze it.

Snow Industry Business Consultant

You may conclude that you had a great year! Maybe you grossed more revenue than you ever did before, and for that we applaud you. It’s a tough business. But could it have been even better?

If you had a not-so-great year there’s a good chance we can help.

What if, through streamlined procedures, better scheduling, resource planning, and other methods, you could look forward to next year with optimism, and then reach your goals?

Why Speak with a Snow Industry Business Consultant?

When you hire a consultant it’s not enough that you learn a few better methods, the cost of the consultant should show you how to make your business run more efficiently and therefore, do better financially. We understand why a snow removal operation needs rock solid advice.

When we’re called in to help a snow plow operation we tell you right up front what our goals will be and we explain how we’ll save you money on waste, and teach you how to run a more streamlined operation next year and every year after that.

Snow Industry Business Consultant – Jeremy Swenson

The “net-net” of our business relationship will be that your operation moves forward as a leaner, stronger, more responsive snow removal firm with a better outlook fiscally and strategically. It’s our number one goal.

To reach Jeremy Swenson and his team, just call 816-564-9131 and let’s have a chat about what we can do for you. We’re here to help.

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