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Black Ice Blues

Driving isn’t an activity that should be taken lightly, especially when it comes to weather interference. Rain and snow can pose a serious threat to the safety of your driving trip. One particularly tricky threat is driving over black ice on the road.

Black ice is a kind of ice that is difficult to spot. It forms on surfaces from the melting ice or snow that was originally there. Despite the name, this kind of ice takes more of a clear appearance. This kind of ice is dangerous because it is so hard to detect.

How to Spot the Ice.

The best way to avoid ice is to know how to find it. Start off by learning about whether your local area experiences a lot of snowy weather. The same should go for new places that you visit. Also be aware that ice is more likely to form on roads in the early morning. Once you notice that the area has been snowing recently, be on the lookout for icy roads. While black ice is mostly transparent, you may still be able to identify it. It typically appears in the form of thin glossy sheets on the road.

There are other preventive measures to take in order to avoid problems from icy roads. It is a good idea to drive more slowly whenever the area has had snow or rain. Make sure to follow the rules of the road and don’t tailgate other drivers. You can also practice driving your car on wet surfaces so that you can get a feel of what to expect. Some drivers have practiced with braking and accelerating in empty parking lots.

What to Do When Your Car Skids on Ice.

When your car does encounter ice, it is important to keep calm while you’re driving. Panicking is an easy way to get into an accident. Try slowing down by smoothly pushing your foot against the brake pedal. It isn’t recommended that you suddenly hit the brake because that can cause a long skid. You wouldn’t want to skid out of control.

If at all possible, find an area with traction on the ground and drive over it. A pavement with snow, sand, rocks or visible ice may be better to drive over. If your car begins to lose traction, remember to keep steering in the safest direction. Be sure to steer in a direction that won’t cause too much damage, like a field or a ditch.

Some cars will have an anti-lock braking system that will stop the car automatically for these types of situations. If the car doesn’t have ABS, just gently use the brakes to stop the car. Once you’ve experienced an accident, try to move the car out of the way to minimize the chances of another accident. Pile-ups are definitely a possibility when it comes to icy road

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