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Snow Removal Expert Witness

Every year the weather experts predict what kind of winter is coming and every year we follow their prophesies with skepticism. We find it’s best to plan for a cold and snowy winter every year, so we’re always ready.

2019 looks like it will go down in the record books as one of the coldest and snowiest ever, and we are grateful we’ve had the equipment and the manpower to handle it.

One thing that concerns us every year is the number of small and even mid-size commercial property owners who try to do remove a large amount of snow from their parking lots on their own, or they hire someone who is not properly skilled nor adequately equipped for the job.

We don’t mind losing an account to a competitor, but we don’t like to see people have accidents and even injure themselves or others.

We observed someone bolt a snow blade to the front of a Nissan Sentra and then proceed to slide into 4 cars and cause serious damage. Then the “snowplow” got stuck in a ditch.

When snow is as heavy as it has been this year there are many instances where cars are completely buried under the snow and you can’t see them at all. It’s possible someone could be inside one of those cars and it is prudent to proceed with extreme caution so no one gets hurt.

Snow Removal Expert Witness

Amateur snow plow drivers have also crashed into utility equipment from cable TV to electrical to natural gas valves. These are dangerous situations and are very expensive to repair.

With every commercial snow removal job, the property should be thoroughly checked out for hazards while the weather is clear so an accident doesn’t occur after large snowfalls.

Snow Expert Witness Services – Jeremy Swenson has been operating one of the largest commercial snow removal companies in the mid-west for many years and his experiences have induced him to make his expertise available in a consultative capacity. Mr. Swenson is available to provide expert witness services by calling 816-564-9131.

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