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To maintain safe access for staff and customers during the winter, small business owners must provide snow and ice removal for their premises. For efficient snow and ice management, various techniques and materials are available. Using salt brine, which is a combination of salt and water, as a proactive strategy to minimize snow and ice formation is a popular choice. I operate a small business out of my home, so there’s a double reason to keep snow and ice off of my driveway and front porch. I see the pros and cons of utilizing salt brine to prevent snow since I have used it for the last few years. 

First, the Pros:

1. The Price is Right: The salt brine’s cost-effectiveness is a big benefit, especially since my business is small. I am not interested in spending big bucks on ice prevention. Salt is reasonably priced and widely accessible as compared to other deicing products. Small business owners can successfully handle snow and ice while lowering costs by employing salt brine, especially when compared to more conventional ways like using motorized snow removal equipment or more expensive products.

2. Preventing Snow and Ice Accumulation Saves Me Work: A proactive application of salt brine can create a layer of protection on surfaces before a snowfall. By applying this preventative measure early on, snow and ice are less likely to adhere to the pavement and are therefore easier to remove. I can ensure safer working conditions for my customers (and family) by spreading salt brine in advance, saving time and resources during the cleanup process. My boys especially like this product, as they are often voluntold to help with snow removal.

3. Safer for My Landscaping: Salt brine is said to be more environmentally benign than certain traditional deicing substances. Overall, less salt is needed to get comparable effects, which lessens the potential environmental impact. Using salt brine as a prophylactic strategy can also lessen the need for extensive post-storm salt applications, reducing the overall salt runoff into neighboring water sources.

4. Ease of Application: Salt brine is a very simple solution that I found easy to mix and apply. It can be physically spread or sprayed over surfaces with brine sprayers. Compared to salt in granular form, the liquid form enables equal dispersion and offers a more comprehensive coverage. This simplicity of use assures effective snow and ice control, lowering the possibility of accidents and injuries on my property.

Cons of Using Salt Brine:

1. Doesn’t Work as Well at Extremely Low Temperatures: One notable disadvantage of salt brine is that it performs poorly at extremely low temperatures. At very low temps, it loses its ability to melt ice and snow effectively. Small business owners in these situations might need to think about alternative deicing techniques or blend salt brine with other materials to increase its effectiveness in icy circumstances.

2. Excessive Use is Hard on the Landscape: Overutilizing salt brine has the potential to contaminate land and water supplies. To reduce negative effects on the environment, pay attention to application rates. This is really true of most snow and ice removal products, though. As long as you pay attention to snowfall and ice accumulation, you’ll know when the products won’t keep up and require physical removal. Sorry, sons!

3. Investment in Equipment: Proper equipment, such as brine sprayers or storage tanks, are needed when using salt brine as a snow removal technique. These instruments require upkeep, which includes cleaning and routine inspection. Failure to properly maintain equipment may result in application inefficiencies or even equipment breakdown, delaying snow removal efforts. This isn’t a huge deal for me. I operate my business out of my home, but larger businesses would need to invest in larger equipment that is able to hold adequate amounts of salt brine.

4. Potential Corrosion and Infrastructure Damage: Salt, including salt brine, has the capability of causing corrosion and infrastructure damage. This includes corrosion of metal surfaces, concrete, and vehicles. Small business owners need to exercise caution when applying too much product or over-spraying in close proximity to delicate machinery or places. This means I need to move vehicles out of my driveway before applying. I’m careful to minimize overspray on my lawn and landscaping.


The selection of snow removal techniques is an important choice for a small business owner. It impacts safety, cost-effectiveness, and the environment. In some circumstances, combining different snow removal techniques may be the best course of action. In order to keep commercial properties accessible and safe during snowy or icy conditions, consulting with snow management experts or specialists can be quite helpful. Contact your Snow removal expert today.

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