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Spring is around the corner and unfortunately just being excited for it doesn’t make it come any faster. In fact, wanting to leave winter behind doesn’t necessarily prepare you for that last unexpected snow storm before the end of the season.  For the prevention and planning of snow and ice incidents it’s best to be prepared for the worst snows before they happen. Whether you plan to hire a snow expert like Jeremy Swenson to provide expert advice regarding snow removal or do it yourself you should keep these ideas in mind.

Snow Removal Tips:

  • One thing that we’re reminded of every year is that winter weather and snowfall are unpredictable. While we can’t prepare for the unpredictable we can prepare for the worst case scenario. This will aid in the prevention and planning for not only surviving, but thriving in a high snowfall situation. Preparing with emergency supplies such as: food, water, fuel, snow shovels, salt, and a generator will have you feeling more confident and maybe even calm when the snow starts coming down.

  • Plan ahead before you start the process. Using markers or reflectors to indicate where your driveway or walkway is will help the snow experts with prevention and planning to maintain your land instead of potentially damaging your area. This will allow anyone plowing to easily be able to identify your driveways instead of plowing your lawn on accident.

  • Stay inside. Though your truck or SUV advertised it’s best in class or four/all wheel drive in the snow, it’s still a risk. Though you trust your truck, can you trust what’s underneath the snow? It’s best to stay home and stay safe than risk it if that’s at all possible. You loved snow days as a kid, learn to enjoy them again as an adult! Relax, stay inside, or even go play in the snow.

  • Layer up. If you have to go outside it’s better to be on the safe side and keep warm. Make sure to be aware of the conditions you’re walking into if you must go outside.

  • Be proactive. It’s easier to remove a little at a time than a lot all at once. If possible try to remove every four inches so it’s manageable to keep up with. This will also make sure if there’s an emergency and you need to get out of the house there is a safe path.

  • Similar to any workout, you have to pace yourself. Snow shoveling is hard on the body and if you’re not used to strenuous labor you should be careful not to exert yourself. We recommend using a snow blower if possible. The best option if you’re concerned about the exertion is calling a snow expert and hiring a service.

  • If you’re concerned about your lawn, try looking into other ice melting mechanisms. Salt can destroy your plants, so using another ice melting product may be a good option if this is your main concern.

  • Be cautious with your application. Similar to tip 7, de-icing materials can be damaging to your lawn if you aren’t careful. A snow expert will be your best bet to keep your lawn safe.

  • Keep to your concrete path. If you create shortcuts across your grass come springtime you won’t have grass in that area, and if you do it’ll be damaged.

Jeremy Swenson with Swenson Consulting has years of experience as a snow expert and is happy to provide expert advice regarding snow and ice events.

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