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Although a fresh snowfall can be a wonderful sight, a business owner must take action right away. After a storm, parking lots and walkways must be immediately made safe for clients, consumers, and suppliers. Early snow and ice clearance not only lowers the possibility of slips and injuries for which you may be held liable, but it also communicates to customers that you are still open for business.

It’s good to prepare ahead of time so that your company can continue to run normally even if it snows. Many regions of the US are susceptible to winter weather. Waiting for these storms to be upon you, may leave insufficient time for essential preparations. These preparations can help prevent slip and fall accidents.

Planning for a Storm

We advise performing the following actions ahead of the storm:

  • Check the roof’s gutters and drains to make sure they are clean and in good working order. Waterspouts should be in good condition and direct water away from pedestrian areas.
  • Maintain a minimum temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit in any portions of your building that are not currently occupied to prevent pipes from freezing. 
  • Trim overhanging branches before a significant snowfall or ice buildup to prevent them from falling on a structure during a storm.
  • Place indicators such as wooden stakes or metal flags along driveways and walkways. You might believe you can identify pathways after a snowfall, but stakes will make finding the pathways much easier if the area receives significant snowfall accumulations. 

Tips for Removing Snow

  • Avoid getting snowed in by making sure you have clear access to your car in case you need to leave quickly. 
  • Snow should not be piled too close to the side of the structure when it is being removed. This includes removal from a sidewalk or roof. Frozen pipes and even foundation problems in the building could result from this.
  • Clear roofs with a roof rake: If your roof slopes, a roof rake, a tool made specifically for this use, will help you remove snow and ice.
  • Use a snow shovel to remove snow from sidewalks and walkways; in the event of heavy accumulations, shovel often and take breaks often.
  • Hire a professional snow removal consulting company to plow large portions of your property or areas with large stretches of sidewalks

Tips for Removing Ice

Snow can be removed with a plow or a shovel, but ice calls for a different strategy. Here are some suggestions for removing ice from different surfaces:

  • Get rid of the water on your roof: Ice dams are ridges of ice that develop at the edge of roofs. These ice dams obstruct the flow of water from melting snow. The water that builds up behind the dam might leak into a house, causing harm to the insulation, walls, and ceilings, among other things. You can prevent ice dams by placing calcium chloride-filled nylon stockings vertically on your roof so that they cross the ice dam. This will enable water to flow through the ice dam’s channels.
  • Take away the icicles: Use a long broom or extension pole to knock the icicles to the ground. This can be dangerous work. It depends on the height of your structure and what is on the ground around the building. It may be best to hire a professional ice removal company to perform this job. It is important to note, you shouldn’t remove icicles in close proximity to power lines. If you feel you can safely remove them yourself, proceed with caution.
  • Remove ice from sidewalks: You might be tempted to sprinkle salt on an icy sidewalk. However, the ice you melt will likely refreeze the next day, making the ice much more dangerous. Spread some gravel or cat litter as well to add some traction if you decide to melt the ice.


These steps will help you prevent slip and fall injuries at your residence or place of business. To protect yourself from the liability of injuries, reach out to a snow removal expert witness. They can provide expert advice on how to prepare for winter storms. 

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