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One of the most frequent causes of injuries in the country is slip and fall incidents, which can quickly lead to fractured bones and concussions. Although it may be simple to label these accidents as “injuries,” the truth is that many of them might have been prevented if the property owner had exercised greater caution. An icy spot in a public parking lot, a hose left over a walkway, and a puddle forming on a grocery store floor are all dangers that present excellent accident scenarios and show irresponsibility that puts people in danger. 

Owner Responsibility and Injuries from Slip and Fall Accidents

Property owners, whether residential or commercial, are responsible for removing snow and ice in order to prevent injuries. A number of serious traumatic injuries can be brought on by unexpectedly and suddenly hitting the ground. Broken bones can readily be caused by the forces involved in a slip and fall accident. While all accident victims might get breaks in any part of the body, the elderly are particularly prone to sustaining bone fractures after a fall.

Other types of injuries that result from slip and fall accidents include spinal cord injuries, neck injuries, concussions, other forms of traumatic brain injuries, joint sprains, and bruises and lacerations. 

Personal Responsibility

It’s important to remember that if you rent a space but don’t own it, you may still be responsible for snow and ice removal. Make sure to negotiate these terms in your rental or lease agreement, and know your personal responsibilities to prevent slip and fall injuries.

Winter walking at work necessitates extra caution to prevent slipping and falling. This includes walking to and from parking lots or between buildings. One of the most typical sorts of injuries that occur during the winter is slip and fall accidents. Even after parking lots, driveways, and sidewalks have been cleared of snow and ice, there will still be some slick spots for people to walk on in the winter. Everyone needs to become proficient at walking safely on ice and other slippery surfaces and to remain continually aware of these risks.

Tips for Walking on Snow and Ice

  • Make a travel plan, provide enough time, and think ahead
  • Put on boots or shoes that have a grip on ice and snow
  • Take extra care when getting in and out of vehicles, going up or down stairs, and entering or departing buildings
  • Always use designated walkways when you can
  • Don’t expect there will be a clear passage for walking and driving; allow extra time.
  • For stability, take small, steady steps
  • As much as possible, walk with your center of gravity directly over your feet by bending slightly forward and walking flat-footed.
  • Do not put your hands in your pockets.
  • Be prepared to fall. If you fall, try to land on your thigh, hip, and shoulder in that order. 
  • To prevent banging your head on the ground, bend your back and lean forward.
  • When handrails are available, use them as support.


Seasonal changes result in unusual weather patterns that might pose risks to customers, staff members, and the general public. You may stay one step ahead of risks associated with winter weather by anticipating potential dangers you may experience and how you intend to control these. If an accident does occur, you may contact a snow and ice removal slip and fall expert witness in your area to help you with the best steps forward.

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