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Snow Removal Throughout History

Like many other types of technology, snow removal methods are advancing at a rapid pace. When used correctly, current snow removal techniques are effective and efficient. But things were not always so advanced. Especially for cities in the Snow Belt,…

What Does an Expert Witness Do?

An expert witness may provide information and testimony about specialized and technical concepts, such as snow and ice removal. This person has knowledge that attorneys, judges, and others involved with the case may or may not have directly. There are…

Professional Help from a Snow Removal Expert Witness

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common reasons for personal injury lawsuits. These accidents must be properly proven in order to determine outcome. Negligence, along with liability, are some of the major obstacles that must be overcome when examining…

That Darned Snow! Avoid Slip and Fall Injuries

I remember as a child going outside in sneakers instead of boots and I slipped and banged my head. Then I got a lecture from my father about my carelessness and stupidity. That was then, and this is now. Today…

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